Saturday, 10 March 2012

Communication an Introduction

Communication has and always will be one of the most important aspects of human society. It helps our ideas and imaginations to grow, enabling us to share thoughts with one another and create new ideas. Indeed, few man-made things could exist without communication. And it is so hardwired into our species that it is nearly impossible to get through a day without hearing at least one story, especially now with a growing media desperate to inform and entertain and, as such, fuel its own existence. As a species we have become ever more obsessed with communication as new technologies have allowed us to enhance the speed of passing on information. And as visual technologies such as film and television have come into the foreground, along with the powerful media of the internet, storytelling, writing and the spoken word are still much beloved in a society which now seems dedicated to instant communications.

The video above, whilst focusing on the internet, is, I believe, an example of how with growing technology, which is often taken for granted, we have become utterly obsessed with quick information and social interaction. And through the growth of the media the reach has spread internationally becoming a global phenomenon, far outreaching the communications of the past between small communities. For better or for worse this is the world we now inhabit and I believe the medium of radio to be no exception.

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